Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Saddle

Here is a saddle I just finished that is a little different for me, I don't make many team roping saddles so this order was fun. The saddle is made on a High Country tree by Rod Nikkel. The silver is made by Peter Swales. The saddle has a 3/4 inlay seat, 1/2 breed flower carved with knife cut accents on the cantle bind, rear billets, latigo and cinch carrys,

New chinks

Here are a couple pair of chinks I just finished that are for sale.

these armitas are made from a very cool piece of leather, made for a working guy. The leather is french calf boot leather, the main body of the chink is actually ruffout, the waxed finish makes it as smooth as the grain side, this will be a very durable pair of armitas.

these chinks have a armita style finge on the waist, they are made for one of the nicest feeling pieces of glovetan chap I have ever seen. They legs are done up with buckles and straps, the chinks have a pinked trim and have concho's made by John Mincer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Saddle


This saddle could be yours!!
I am just starting the build on this saddle that will be for sale at the Mane Event in Red Deer this April. The saddle will be made on a 16" Swade tree by Glenn Christman with a 4 1/2" cantle and a 3"X4" guadalahara horn. The saddle will be a ruff out 1/4 breed combo with 7x wild roses, (quite small flowers, 2" wide) . It will have an inlaid padded seat, brass hardware and 4" bell stirrups brass covered.

Save the year and half wait on getting a custom made saddle and take this rig home!!!!